

For this decade, so many memorable events have happened to our world such as 9.11, Iraq war, the Beijing 2008 Olympic, death of Ioannes Paulus II, Hurricane Katrina, tsunami in South – Eastern Asia and worldwide financial crisis. However, the most memorable mediated event for me was the United States presidential election, 2008.

In November 4th, 2008, I was still in Japan and prepared for moving to NY in the winter. I watched Mr. Obama's speech in Chicago with my mother in Japan. Just before the presidential election, Lehman Brothers bunkruptcy combined with global economy turmoil. Therefore, I had an anxiety to move to United States of America that has faced such a tough situation where the financial crisis is called a happening once 100 years. United Sates of America has led the world economy for long but now that United States of America lost its glorious way which it used to have, people all over the world were seeking for a new leader and savior who can adjust the direction of the economy and country. After the Lehman Brothers bunkruptcy, Mr. Obama was said to have got much more votes because Mr. Kerry was said that he is lack of knowledge of economics.

More importantly, what was the distinctive means Mr. Obama used for the election? What was distinctively diffrent from the means Mr. Kerry used? I realize the distinctive cause of Mr. Obama's victory must have been where he used the tool of internet. He was the first person who brought the presidential election by internet society. He became a president by the power of internet. I believe that Mr. Obama attracted people all over the world through many media power and this event should be one of the biggest events in the 21st century. He succeeded in collecting abundant campaign money by net contribution and using full of sites such as Facebook, MySpace and YouTube in addition to his own site. Then I analized there was a high posssibility that supporters can more easily take part in the election.

I have learned how much media can have an influence and determine even the victory of election. Internet changes how election should be. However, the most impressive thing was not only just how much internet could have an influence on election but also the fact that emocracy seemed to still exist in America even though it now faces the biggest crisis. Even if there can be built a perfect net system, it just ends up being only a system preparation unless there is the electorate's mind to take part in the election. I certainly saw the memorable moment where democracy has been still alive in United States of America at the 44th presidential election. This was just about greatly inspired report where media should bring us primarily.